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Midline Evaluation of the LTLT in Secondary Education in Rwanda

This report presents the midterm findings of a qualitative outcome evaluation of the Leading, Teaching and Learning Together (LTLT) in secondary education program carried out between March and May, 2020, by Three Stones International.


The evaluation was designed to specifically address the following objectives, with gender and inclusion as a cross-cutting theme:


1. Assess the intended and unintended outcomes of the LTLT program to date, specifically:

• Program outcomes for school leaders and teachers related to the CPD support systems,
• Program outcomes related to the competences and motivation of key educational actors at the school and sector level, and
• School-level changes as a result of the program.


2. Assess the pathways and processes that have led to the outcome and the extent to which the LTLT
program has contributed to the outcomes.

3. Assess gaps in terms of the original intent of the program and the program’s approaches and interventions as applied in practice.


4. Assess the extent to which implementing partners, REB and UR-CE, have the capacity to roll-out the program without support from VVOB.


5. Reflect on the following learning questions:

• How do school leaders build a supportive environment for the professional development of teaching staff and how has the program contributed to this?
• Through which mechanisms can/does the program impact teacher motivation and retention?